Show us your plastic trash
Take the challenge: Collect your plastic waste both recyclable and non recyclable for three days. Then photograph, tally, and send your photo and survey to chaws@tahomasd.us . What can we learn about our habits and life styles, by examining our waste? What changes can each of us make to leave the planet a little less trashy.
Challenge rules
Collect all your families plastic waste both recyclable and non- recyclable for three days.
Live normally, it doesn't help to artificially reduce your plastic consumption for the sake of the three day tally. Think of this exercise as a scientific experiment.
Take a photo of your trash and tally or list items at the end of the collection days.
Answer the questions on the survey below and send your picture and survey to chaws@tahomasd.us by April 11th.
Name ( first names only please)
Number of people in household:
Number of days spent collecting plastic waste
Total number of items:
Total number of recyclable items:
Total number of non recyclable items:
Goal: What items are you will to replace with a more environmentally friendly product or what items are you willing to give up?
Reflection: What did you learn? How will you use this information?
Thank you for participating in our experiment.
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